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Thread: TFF Walleye Basics

  1. #1

    Default TFF Walleye Basics

    Hello Everyone!

    I hope everyone was able to get through yet another long, hard winter. For the 3rd year in a row, a group of buddies and I are coming up to the TFF for a week of camping and walleye fishing over Memorial weekend! Slowly but surely we have developed a nice routine to pick up a few walleyes here and there. Still not much for size, as our biggest walleye last year was about 15 inches. Our main tactic to catching these fish is to toss a small jig, tipped with a fathead at some shoreline structure, almost always wood. The deepest depth we have fished at is 6 or 7 feet, which could be why why haven't had too much luck for size. So, what types of structures and depths do you TFF veterans look for when you're looking to get into a bigger fish or two? And also, has anyone had any success on pitching plastics to shore? If so, what colors have worked?

    Also, I have heard that it is now legal to troll on the TFF this year. Is this true? Are there any certain rules/regulations/restrictions to that? Or is it 100% open to troll at any time?

    Thank you,
    Travis B

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Glen Ellyn, IL


    Quote Originally Posted by byronbears84 View Post
    Also, I have heard that it is now legal to troll on the TFF this year. Is this true? Are there any certain rules/regulations/restrictions to that? Or is it 100% open to troll at any time?

    Thank you,
    Travis B
    No sir, no motor trolling on the TFF, per the 2014-2015 regulations guide http://dnr.wi.gov/files/PDF/pubs/FH/FH0301.pdf#page=4


  3. #3


    Hm, I know I read that you could troll on this site at some point within the last year. Glad I asked I guess.

  4. #4


    It is legal to troll in this site, but not on The Flowage.
    I don't think you're too shallow, deepest I ever caught a nice walleye was probably 10-12 feet, most 18"+ have come out of 2-8 fow.
    You may be too close to deep water. Deep water = baby 'eyes.

  5. #5


    Hmm, thats very interesting! I figured the river channels may hold more bigger walleyes than the shallower shoreline, but maybe the post-spawn has them staying rather shallow?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Brookfield, WI

    Default Activity is the key

    I've caught walleyes in water over 20' deep. Many times. One of my favorite tactics is to vertical jig with a feather jig and a crawler. I use a stinger hook and tail hook the crawler. It's a good idea to tie your own jigs as they don't last long fishing this way, but you get right down there in their faces and pull up some pretty good fish.

    The reason shallow water is often the ticket is activity. When walleye go on the feed, they usually move shallower and are just so much easier to contact. On our spring and fall trips, the biggest fish of the trip is often caught in less than 4' of water. Also these fish are often caught on really windy days. The more wind, the better the fishing.

    Try the wind beaten shorelines. Just be ready. Have the motor trimmed down and ready to move because stuff happens fast. Also, a good trolling motor is essential. I've had big fish hit on my last cast and I'm within 20' of rocks. The waves are pounding, you're fighting a big fish and your motor is about to start bouncing off rocks. Fire up the trolling motor, and oh yeah, welcome to the TFF!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008



    Take Don's advice, but if it were me and I was searching for places to fish, I would get onthe trolling motor, fish shallow areas like you are and cast a crank!!! When you find places that hold fish, slow down and pick 'em apart with da jig!!! Wind blown shores are always good, but if you know where there is a shallow break of a hump or island shoreline, try those too!!! You might be able to go from island to island working the same type of locations!!!


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