Hi everybody

Been laid up with a bad knee. Had it scoped 3 weeks ago and I am up and moving again. Lot of problems at first hard to sit in front of computor.

Have been fishing lately for Muskies and Perch. Musky fishing was slow on last Friday-Sunday, only a couple of fish being caught. One 46 and a 40incher. I think this big front coming in has something to do with it and again we have the high winds that should stir things up. Water temp on the bay Sunday was 54 degrees.

Perch fishing prior to the high winds was real good. We had Perch up to 15inchs. We'll see after this wind what happens.

Walleye fishing has been alittle slow, they seem to be off there feed this Fall for some reason.

There has been some good days out on Lake Michigan for Salmon/Steelhead with numbers being caught in the double digits. I am pulling my boat on Thur. but there are still some big boats in the water, so if you need to get hooked up give me a call.

Bass fishing has been going pretty good using lge. Sucker minnows or Red Tails. The drop offs seem to be a good area.

Ice Fishing is just around the corner till then we are still in the water with my 21ft. Ranger.