Mostly stable weather, depsite some periods of higher winds made for a pretty darn good week of fishing. Mulitple personal bests for walleyes, northerns and muskies this week with almost everything being released!!

Walleyes hit well on the rocks and also on the shores. One boat with two anglers had their best fishing in many years fishing shallow shorelines. The majority fished rock reefs with jigs and minnows and did exceptionally well when the wind wasn't blowing too hard.

As for of the best action weeks in recent memory has just finished up. We had 5 boats casting regularly this week and they all had some excellent action. Rocks, sand, weeds were all holding active fish.

Bucktails (double 10s and 8s) were the most common report, but one boat with 3 guys fishing caught 12 fish for the week without actually landing one on a buckail, which was very unsuual for them. They got fish eating a lot of WTD and tail spinner topwaters.

Many personal bests this week included in the nice fish caught. Multple 44s, 45s, 46s, a 47, 2 at 48 and one at 49. As it often goes, the larger fish seen were not enticed to hit or fell off! Many nice fish hit at boatside. The importance of good figure 8 skills both leading up to the strike and then keeping them pinned through the first wave of craziness is vital to moving to the next level of fish catching success. Practice, practice, practice.

Many larger northerns in the mix as well with many in the 36-38 range and fish 40, 41 and 42 inches all caught and released.

Most of these fish were caught within a few miles each way of the resort as this crew wasn't much for long boat rides. A couple boats did run up to whitefish bay and enjoyed a day in the clear water. Not much in terms of muskie action but got some bass and northerns up there. The portage was working fine as long as someone guides the cable on properly as the boat is cranked up and over.

Fishing has been good into this week. A sat night lightning storm did nothing to stop the hot bite.

Mostly walleye anglers in this week, but have some boats casting that are coming for gas and will get as many reports as I can.

Good luck on the water!!