12:05 pm May 4: Current water level for Castle Rock is 882.76'.
Pete is at 924.53', .53' above managed range.

I spoke with the Dam Manager today who is responsible for the Petenwell and Castle Rock dams. He can keep the water level higher than the action stage until June 15th. After June 15th he must manage the water level for CR to be between 881-882'. He plans to drop the level one foot by June 15th to be within that range. He plans to keep it in the upper portion of the range throughout the summer.

If we have severe droughts it is not unusual for the water level to drop below the managed range. I've seen this occur in past years. But they do a pretty good job of keeping it in range.

If you want to watch the water levels yourself, here is the link.

Hopefully this will dispell any rumors floating around about high water to be continued.

