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Thread: Funny Story

  1. #1

    Default Funny Story

    I had a guy this morning tell a funny tale knowing that I muskie fish (I suppose we've all heard these from non-muskie fisherman). Supposedly a crappie fisherman caught a 56 inch muskie in the last couple of weeks at the lake. It was taken on an ultra light with 4lbs. test (I always thought if I wanted to catch muskie at the lake I was suppose to fish for bass, now I see it's really for crappie). I realize crappie fishermen do catch muskie, but this is just over-the-top. He showed this guy a picture that was taken on his cell phone of the fish in a vertical hold. Held at the heigth of his head its tail touched the ground. Of course, I asked if the guy was only 3' tall. I informed him that if the fish hadn't spawned that he blew the state record out of the water. I went on to tell him that if it hadn't spawned he might have caught one of the largest fish ever captured anywhere. He said he'd check again on the details. I asked if he'd get me a picture, so I'll be happy to post it if it ever comes (don't hold your breath). By the way, don't plan on getting a shot at this fish, it was of course, taken home (probably for dinner). My guess is that it was a 46" fish that was illegally harvested (of which I was sure to inform the fellow I was talking to about the 48" minimium requirement). Anyway, just thought I'd let you know, Chad, that you've been dethroned already. lol. Seriously though, I'll let you know what the real story was the next time I bump into this guy. Who knows, maybe it's a true story (but I'm not biting on this hook until I see it)!

  2. #2


    I do know of a 49 incher that weighed 30 pounds that was caught and killed and brought to a local taxidermist to be mounted. That fish was caught on 4 lb test and a beetle spin! Sucks to hear the fish got killed, but what a catch on 4 lb test. Last week while crappie fishing, I landed a fat 41 incher on a large crappie minnow. Took about 10 minutes to land it, and she swam off great. I guess we REALLY need to downsize sometimes!!
    Chad Cain Guide Service
    Chad Cain

    Web Site: http://www.chadcain.com

  3. #3


    Sure enough...the very same fish you had heard about. 401/4" 30lbs. 3oz.
    Caught on a red and white beatle spin! Caught 3/17/10 I got a pictue today. Beautiful fish. Doesn't look quite as fat as I had expected, but it may just be the vertical hold and angle of the photo. Again it's a bummer that she didn't get to swim away, but it's the right of anyone who catches a legal fish I suppose. The person I had orginally spoken with just got the measurement wrong (easy enough to do I suppose when talking about a fish they don't pursue).

  4. #4

    Default 49"

    It is a shame that people keep these large fish....as they sure are few and far between in Kinkaid. I saw a few pictures of a 49" fish from last fall taken on a 1/4 oz. blade bait and 6lb test. The first picture I saw was a hold of the fish vertical and the second and third pictures was the fish laying cut open on a fillet table. I know that it was this fisherman's right to harvest that fish, but I still strongly disagree with the decision.

    On the other hand...fishing has been very good the last few days. Quite a few followers and at least 1 taker everyday the last 3 days(Fished 4 hours Tuesday am, 2 hours Wednesday pm, and 5 hours yesterday pm). Unfortunately only 2/4 fish hit the bottom of the net....36" and 37". I have seen a few big fish the past few days as well....and 1 of the fish I lost, fishing solo, was a solid mid 40's fish. Small baits moving at medium speeds seem to be the ticket.

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