Weather Report
This will more than likely be the final ice fishing update of the year, pending any drastic change or sudden winter storm. The shorelines are starting to show signs that they are receding, although there have still been people fishing along several areas on the chain.

Lake Monona
The Triangles and Monona Bay along with Turvle Bay and parts of Squaw Bay have been producing some action on bluegills that have been varying in size from 6" to 8".

Lake Waubesa
Lake Farm Park, Goodland Park, up from the Green Lantern and along the South Shore still have nice bluegills being pulled in. The action has been spotty for most anglers.

Locally these are the only places that have had consistant reports coming in. Anglers have been putting their boats in the Wisconsin River near Sauk City as well as above Lake Wisconsin and near the Wisconsin Dells. The reports of action in these locations have been sparse however.

In-Store Update
As winter seems to be coming to a close, we will be filling our shelves with summer inventory. Look for some new items to the store as well as items that are just hitting the market. Don't forget to check out the Spring 2010 Seminar Series starting Thursday, March 25th at 7:00pm featuring Dave Berg speaking on spring river walleyes.