If fishing LOTW is your primary concern, then you may want to think about a Fortex or a Maxxum. The reason I say this is that many times, whether fishing up in the boulders, or working a shoreline in heavy wind you often need to do a 180* power reverse to avoid beaching on granite. The electrics are very nice for fishing bigger, less erratic structure like long weed beds where all you have to do is follow an edge, but the turning speed on them doesn't compare to cable drive.

I'm certainly not saying that the electric pedals won't work up there, just that after running one of them on several occassions, I'll stick with the cable control. I'm sure the spot lock feature would be great for running the boat out into the open when you have a fish on, but the rest of the time there aren't too many straight runs up there for it to be a factor.

The Fortex/Maxxum motors certainly don't have all the cool features that the Power Drive/Terrova motors do, but they don't have a lot of the problems either. I know I have seen more electric drive t.m.s lay down in the middle of a week of fishing than I have the cable drives.

Also it is no coincidence that Frank, DougJ, and DickP, to name a few, all have a Maxxum/Fortex on the front of their boats.

If you are used to the eletric foot pedals then it may be more of a headache to learn a new pedal, not to mention the cable pedals are much taller and cause more strain on your body by being on one foot more often. You might also have different priorities with where you fish most often and the Terrova would be better suited to them, but that is my opinion on fishing LOTW and t.m. choices.
