The replica of the 54" we got last year just came in. I poured a Crown Royal to celebrate the great fish, good times, and to finish this chapter of my Musky fishing career! There will be many more chapters yet to write!!! I am more excited than ever, and have Musky Fever worse than ever!!!

Thanks once again to all who helped me, taught me, fished with me, and "picked me up" along the way; y'all played a bigger part than you realize! August 28, 2008 would NOT have happened without each and every one of you! Thanks also to the great people of Canada for allowing us access to their waters. And finally, thanks to the Ontario MNR for their great Esox management and forward thinking (i.e. the 54" limit) on WORLD RECORD waters like Eagle Lake.

As I hang this fish, I dedicate it to my late grandfather who used to fish with me all the time from when I was about 6 years old. He wasn't around to see this fish in person, but I know he was smiling down on us on August 28, 2008. He was there on my first Musky in 1988; he wouldn't even be able to comprehend a fish like this but would be proud.

Good luck to those still lucky enough to be fishing for Muskies on Eagle Lake the remainder of the season. I hope you enjoy it, and realize/appreciate how special it is.


PS: Now, the next chapter begins...Cal and I have some unfinished business and a score to settle with a GIANT. And settle it we will, my friend, settle it we will...