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Thread: TFF theft

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default TFF theft

    It took a while to get registered and that has tempered my description of the persons involved to an acceptable level for this forum. Please ramp up the adjectives as you see fit.
    I was at Springstead Landing from 9/19-9/23. As always spending time with family and friends trying to forget day to day pressures. Despite the wind,rain and cold we had a good time. Got back to the landing Sunday and left for home.
    Stopping in Wausau I did my usual walk around to check the boat and trailer. It was only then did I notice that someone went to the bother of unbolting and relieving me of my side trailer guides.
    With the water so low I thought the trailer looked different in the water but the boat drove on and sat right where it should. The landing was busy so I did not spend too much time in the way of others, so I pulled out, strapped it, and took off.
    I have been at TFF several times a year since the mid 80's. NOTHING has ever been touched before. Pretty much spoiled my ride home. SO..............

    To the persons responsible for this theft:
    I'm not out much. I have a job and can replace the stolen parts. And I will return to this landing again. I just want to thank you for leaving me with my tires, trailer, windows, etc. This tells me you are not only a thief but lazy too. If you would have come to me and asked for help I would have done what I could for you. I could put money towards your child support, alimony, bail bond, or drug habit. But you stole from me.
    I hope you get a good dollar for the guides. They are about $100 a pair. Maybe next time you steal a boat, you should make sure it has all the equipment you want first.

    The Iron County Sheriff said a lot of this has been happening. So did the Warden. The good news is that I got a message that finger prints were recovered from my trailer, and they are not mine. So someone may be getting a knock on their door soon. Then it will be my turn to turn some screws. Sleep tight fellas.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Radisson, Wisconsin

    Default Thieves have no honor.

    I know how you feel. With clients in the truck I backed up to my boat and my receiver hitch was gone. I had to drive home to get another one. A first for me and a last. I now carry an extra along. You know, if someone needs something, just ask. I would help anyone in trouble.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Wisconsin Rapids

    Default This saddens me.

    I have friends who fish down south (MO, AR, FL, etc) and they have an assortment of prop locks, drawbar locks, trailer wheel locks, actually, they have a lock for just about everything that is lockable. I always said to them, and with no small degree of pride, that we don't need that stuff, 'cause guys don't do that up here. Well, evidently I was wrong. Hopefully this is an isolated incident and we can all get back to worrying about where the walleyes are biting instead of worrying if our trailer is going to be on blocks when we return to the landing.

    One additional thought here. If you do see some guy removing trailer guides or a spare tire from his trailer, be aware that the trailer he's working on might not be his. Don't confront him, but a good description, or a photo, or a license plate number can do wonders.

    If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Milwaukee area


    Sad story , kind of makes me shudder, I own property in the area, remote shack , don't lock it, no reason to, some one could burn it down and no one would know it. From time to time lots of cabins are broken into and some where along the way they catch the persons, or person. It seems to go in waves untill it stops. The cabin break in's the last time lasted quite a while. I don't know if they actually arrested some one but it stopped. Now something new. Apparently multiple times if the warden and county sheriff have other reports. My eyes and ears will be open,and of course my digital camera ready to go. Have a nice day in spite of something like this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Brookfield, WI

    Default Scary Situation

    I was recently going fishing and in the process of hooking up my boat when I noticed the cotter pin and bolt holding my hitch on was missing. There is absolutely no way this came off accidently. The cotter pin is such a tight fit, I have to use 2 tools to either take it out or put it in. I fish enough that I leave the hitch on all summer and I have never had even an inkling that the cotter pin was going to come out on it's own.

    If I hadn't noticed this, I would have hooked up the boat and most likely, at some point while I'm driving the hitch would have slid out of the bracket and my boat could have gone anywhere. Possibly even killing a person or a family.

    What kind of loser does something like that? Could he have thought he was playing a joke on someone?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Minocqua, WI


    Two weeks ago, while out on a Boulder Junction area lake, someone at the boat landing broke the air valves and deflated both tires on the passenger side of my vehicle. Didn't slash, but deflated the tires.

    And we were one of three boats out on the lake and due to not having an air pump on hand, a tow service came at 9pm on this rainy dark night to bail us out, back 30 miles into Minocqua. $209 bill.

    Not to mention, last fall someone smashed the windows and broke into my car while out on a lake and proceeded to steal $1,000 in Musky rods and reels.

    I swear to God that while being a part-time F.I.B., I'd expect things like this to happen while in one of Chicago's ghettos but not in the woods on some lake in a region in which is my second residence.

    I'll be installing a small security camera in my car for next year.

    Sorry to hear about everyone elses misfortunes. These types of things amaze me for the levels of stupidity that are involved.

    Last edited by Editor; 09-02-2009 at 12:34 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008


    For those who are concerned about security at their cottage, there is a Linksy's camera that is relatively inexpensive... around $100.00 (Check E-bay and Amazon.com). You can dial into it from your computer anywhere and see what it is focused in on. It can also be set up to be motion activated to send a photo to your home computer. I have a couple of cameras on my property up north, and check them several times a day.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Milwaukee area


    Those cameras are really nice, good referral . I have the problem of no electric or other things to aid in security. Just using some other items that are battery operated and hidden from view the best we can. Just have to deal with it and move on. Had a 50 $ hub cap removed from my truck a while back. Six bolts holding it on. No way it could have fallen off. The price for that piece of plastic told me why some one needed it more than me I guess. Have a nice day .

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default They're still on the loose..!

    This past Saturday afternoon at Sportsmans landing my buddy got his rollor guides stole too. We must of chased them off, because one bracket was still hanging loose. Must be kids...... it takes a great deal of time to unbolt those brackets. Why not steal the wheels and spare tire? How about the tonque, winch and jack? Rollers are easy to take off...... way easier to take these items and they are worth more. I don't get it.?? Not much for smarts here.

    Anyways...... Keep a sharp eye out guys...... They will get caught.

    Fishing was great by the way. Catching on the other hand was slow. Only a few bass, pike, and perch for the afternoon, but the weather more than made up for the bite. Good luck!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Lightbulb camera's

    They need some cameras at the landings to persuade these idiots from theft. I had a bearing buddy grease cap stolen that’s how petty it gets

    P.S. I’m going up the 12th -19th and will be on the look out. My family has a long history of law enforcement public and private, we know what to do.
    Last edited by glasseyes; 09-10-2009 at 12:37 PM.

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