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Thread: Fishin' Report 7/8/09

  1. #1

    Default Fishin' Report 7/8/09

    Hey Guys,

    The fishing has been a little slow the last week or so, but is now starting to pick up. I've been hearing a lot about nice bluegill and crappie being caught in the deeper water near fallen or sunken trees in 6 to 10 ft of water. Use a slip bobber set up with a mini mite tipped with a crappie minnow or a plain hook and baby crawler or small leech.
    Bass are becoming much more active with the warmer weather. They are moving up to 4ft depth and you can get them with yamasenkos, live target lures, or mann's baby -1's.
    The walleye are still being a little tricky. They are scattered in the deeper holes 12-16 ft during the day. Use a jig and a crawler or leech to pick them up. In the evening they are moving into the shallower weeds to feed. Fish these weed edges with your jig or throw some cranks like rapalas, reef runner shads, or matzuo tournament cranks.
    Muskies are also becoming more active as I have heard in the shop. They are starting to hit top water baits pretty good. Throw the new hairy plopper, pacemakers, rumblers, or top raiders.

    Well, thats all I got for now.
    We'll see you on the water,
    Trophy Fish Replicas

  2. #2

    Smile Kenny the dogfish Chef

    Was out 3 days last week 7-17,18 and 19th on Mohawksin with my Brother Kenny and had some luck. We hit some of his favorite Dogfish areas close to Bradley point. After putting 3 in the livewell for his famous Mock lobster(from dogfish) we turned our attention over to smallies and got two over 3 lbs. and one largemouth over 4lbs. All this within the first couple of hours on day one. On day two we spent most of the day on the Somo river. Again Kenny the dogfish slayer got 2 more (both around 30inches). Both going into his Dogfish gumbo. I finally talked him into doing some Walleye and Muskie fishing after this and got a limit off walleyes by Red cloud landing. We had to go though about 35 shorties to get to a two man limit, largest being 26". We did manage a couple of Muskie follows in the same area. On day 3, again Kenny had to get some more dog fish action in. I agree they fight good but come on. The other thing is he uses 31-40 count raw shrimp (would rather eat those then the Dogfish). We had some luck that day in the rivers. By the Jersey dam we got into some nice smallies ( amount 10, nothing over 3lbs.). We fished the kings dam area that evening and had some luck on walleye, all but 2 were shorties. We did manage to boat one legal muskie there. Should be back up this weekend again. Hopefully the fishing will stay good. If you are interested in Kennys Dogfish hot spots or recipes I'm sure he'll give'em up for a 12 pack of Blatz. Tight lines!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Naperville, IL


    If you want dogfish go to the Jersey City Flowage. You can catch them all day and huge.....keep them all they seem to be taking over.

  4. #4


    Jim, thanks for the info but I'm going to try and keep that to myself. I'm sick of fishing for those, its my fishing buddie that has a taste for them. He claims it makes the best table fair. I'll be up this Friday with Kenny again and hope to get him focused on some Smallies and Muskies. If I can talk him into it we are going to start on the Somo by the Island next to the stump field for walleyes in the evening. We can usaully get a limit fishing the holes on the outside bends. If that doesn't work we'll fish by Red cloud landing again( I'm just tired of fishing this area because it's close to one of those Dog fish honey holes that Kenny likes to work). Jim tight lines and thanks again!!!!

  5. #5


    I'm a first time contributor on this forum even though I've been a reader on a regular basis, this is the first time that I've felt compelled to add something to any of the topics discussed here.

    I'd like to comment on the issue about Dogfish. First off, I find it very refreshing to see that there is interest (albeit mostly negative) in this beautiful fish. Personally, I'm a big fan of the Dogfish and I'm thrilled to the bone every time I catch one! I've always felt that they've been given a bum rap, having been mostly considered a garbage fish. In fact, I'll go so far as to say that I believe that the Dogfish should be reclassified as a game fish. Pound for pound in a fight, I would put up a Dogfish against any other fish that swims in Wisconsin waters!

    Secondly, I would like to respond to something that was mentioned by the poster who goes by the name "Lucas Lake". In his post here, he claims that his fishing partner landed a 30 inch Dogfish!
    If that is true, that is great news! I haven't seen Bowfins approaching that size in the Mohawksin, ever. A fish that size, I believe, would be just an inch shy of the state record that came out of Willow flowage. I was disappointed to hear that it has ended up in a gumbo. Although I, too, savor the succulent flesh of the Dogfish, when it comes to trophy sized fish like that, I believe that they should be released for the prosperity of the species and future enjoyment of Bowfin anglers.

    For those of you who have never intentionally fished for these fish before, but would like to give it a try, I concur with Lucas Lake's partner about using shrimp. Make sure that they are fresh shrimp, though. The cooked ones don't work at all. And, for artificial lures, I've had my best success using Ribbontails and Zellamanders. Zellamanders work best at night, especially during a full moon.

    Thank you Jim for your observation about Bowfins on the Jersey. I've fished there numerous times and I concur that there is a healthy population in that lake. However, what the Jersey offers in quantity it lacks in quality. I find that most of the Dog Fish are undersized. I have caught a few in the 6 - 7 lb. range. But they have been few and far between. Most fish have been in 2 - 4 lb. class. Those are still plenty fun to catch and are a very good eating size. The Jersey would make a terrific lake to take the kids to and educate them on proper Bowfin fishing technics. With the quantity of fish there, it wouldn't take long to plant the seeds of enthusiasm for the next generation of Bowfin fisherman.

  6. #6


    Silver Spring, thanks for the insight. You did not mention what lake you fish. If your are ever on Mohawksin let me know. I'm more then willing to show you some spots for Dogfish. Trust me there is a state record in that lake. I'm sure I've caught some over 30" and never thought of the recoerd( my brother just wants'em in the live well). I catch those things on almost everything. Last time I was up I caught 2 on a black and orange bucktail fishing fot Musky. You need to give Mohawksin a try if you have not already done so... Tight Lines. It's 72 out and I'm going to try for some eyes on the Somo tonight if the rain stays away or is just light.

  7. #7


    Howdy Lucas.
    Thank you for the invitation. I'm not sure when I'll get the next opportunity to fish the Mohawksin as I don't live in the area anymore. But I still make quit a few trips to the Tomahawk every year and I sure would love to see the places on the lake that are producing Bowfins the size that you are talking about.

    You mentioned Bradley Point as a place that your brother likes and I've also caught some nice Fins there, but I've only had success there at night. Now just across from Bradley, at Box Island (I believe that's what it's called) I've done very well. The only problem there however, is that there are also plenty of pesky Northern Pike and Muskies in the same area around the island and they will just shut down the Fin fishing when they become active.

    Good luck on the Somo tonight. I haven't fished the Somo in ages and the times that I did, I don't recall having any success with Bowfins. Crappies and snake northern's are what I remember. Oh, and I believe that I lost an anchor or two there also.

  8. #8

    Default Dogfish

    About 5 years ago, we landed a 30" dogfish (measured on a board) from Mohawksin by Bradley point. It struck on a spinnerbait called a musky candy. I had no idea it was anywhere close to a state record, it was caught by accident and I had never heard of one striking on an artificial bait. (my buddy actually landed it and I helped measure it.) It did not end up as gumbo.

    I also have caught them out of the Jersey flowage, my best from there being 24", on minnows.

  9. #9

    Default dogfish

    Hi bunczak.

    Wow, another 30 incher from the Mohawksin. That's incredible! I'll bet it gave you one hell of a fight. And to top it off, you caught it by accident. Isn't that just how it goes, the guy who fishes for dogfish all the time never hooks into a fish that size and the musky fisherman catches one by accident.

    The state record for Bowfin (dogfish) is 31.6 inches and weighed 13.1 lbs. It was caught in July of 1980 on the Willow Flowage. So that record has stood for some time now. And from what I'm reading here on this discussion board, it sounds like that record might be in jeopardy of being broken by someone fishing on the Mohawksin.

    It sounds like you released the one that you caught - thank you. If that fish is still alive, it'll surely be a state record by this point.

    I'm really excited now to get back to Tomahawk ASAP.

  10. #10


    Made, it out last night and had some action. Able to boat 3 legal eyes, 1 smallie and 1 undersize muskie. Just fished the Somo around the Island going towards Red Clound landing. Caught the 3 eyes on the outside bends of the river channels. All by using jig and 1/2 crawlers. Seen one guy just slam a stump in this area. About every 2 weeks I see some nut going wide open in an area with 500 plus stumps and take out a lower unit. To each his owm I quess.

    Today, I went out again with by brother and spent some time chasing dogfish. I believe we got about 6 or 7 but nothing over 26". I talked him in to releasing all but 3. We fished the area just out of Bay Mill landing and at the end of box island close to the bridge. At first it was slow but when he started to chop up some of the shrimp(raw) and chum with it he was into them. At the same time I was able to pick up some perch. I've never caught perch in this area and not sure if the shrimp had much to do with it. The rest of the day was not to good, just one eye over 18" and a 35-37" ski( orange and black bucktail again. Gotta go and give it a shot for an hour tonight again. I'll be on the Somo. Tight lines

  11. #11

    Default shrimpin good times

    Holy crap Lucas, sounds like you must live in a boat. You're on the water everyday, huh. You must be either single and on vacation or single and retired or married and about to be divorced?

    Well that's great that you get to spend so much time fishing, I envy you. Where is Red Clound Landing? Is it a good spot for dogs?

    It's funny that you mention perch getting active when your brother uses shrimp. Because, I've noticed the same thing when I'm shrimpin' for dogfish too. I know that its got to be the shrimp and not just a coincidence, because I've had the same thing happen to me on just about every lake that I've used shrimp on. It's kind of a hassle to be honest with you. But it can also be a good indicator as to whether or not there are active dogfish in the same area. If there are dogfish on the cruise the perch will lay low.

    I'm also glad to hear that you talked your brother into releasing some of his fish. I mean, how many can he eat anyway? There's alot of meat on a 30 inch dogfish. Does he have a big family that he's feeding? It has been my experience that 2 dogfish of the 6 lb. variety will easily feed a family of 4.

    BTW, where does your brother buy the shrimp he's using? Do you know what kind of price he's payin'? There have been a few times that I couldn't justify the price (especially to chum), so I end up going artificial. But if price isn't a problem, then shrimp is certainly the best way to go.

    Best of luck to you.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Naperville, IL


    Got this one out of the Jersey last year.

    Sorry for the lack of quality in the second. The sun kind of messed up the picture. We got at least 10 this size give or take in June this year.

    Last edited by JimL; 07-26-2009 at 10:33 AM.

  13. #13

    Default Jersey Dogs

    Wow, those are some dandy dogfish, Jim!
    They look to be around 26 inches, huh? And you say that you got 10 of them like that all in the same day; that's terrific! Boy, that's one heck of an outing! I'll bet your arms felt a little beat up after that.

    Were you using shrimp or artificials? Looks like I might have to reevaluate my thinking about the Jersey. The last 3 or 4 trips that I fished it, I might have caught only 1 or 2 fish that were close to that size. The rest of them were all small fish with nothing over 4 lbs. But I did catch plenty of them. Its been 2 years now since the last time that I fished there. Sounds like maybe the runts that I was catching are feeding better these days.

    Thanks for sharing your photos with us. Those are some really nice fish that you can be proud of, for sure!

  14. #14


    Jim, nice fish. Seems you have the same luck my brother Kenny does with those. If you are ever interested with fishing for those on Mohawksin I'm sure Kenny would be more then willing. Hell a 12 pack of Blatz would get you a good 8 hours of fishing with him.

    Silverspring to answer some of your questions. I believe Kenny gets his shrimp from Nelson's county market. This is located about 300 yards down the road from Aquatic Arts( otherside of the street). I've been able to get out more lately with the way this economy is. Hopefully soon I'll get free health insurance and will never have to work again( enough of the political junk). Where is Red Cloud Landing? About 1/4 mile down the river from the island by the stump field. Right as you make a very hard right turn. In this area you'll find some nice holes and will mark a ton of fish. Dogfish can be found here on edges of the flats just before the deep holes. Alot of times when I anchor fish, I'll be able to get eyes in the deep hole as my brother is working the edge of the flats for dogfish. Hope this helps.

    Did make it out last night again on the Somo and did manage some Walleye time. Good action again in the channel bends and the stumps closest to them. Only managed 2 keeps in 2 hours of fishing.

  15. #15

    Default Dog Fish dish

    Jim, this is a pic from last year. The scale was rusted and not working but I swear it was at least 14-15lbs. My brother didn't want to get it weighed ( just wants them for dinner). It was caught on a chunk of bluegill. I would say after raw shrimp that chunking gills work the best. You never said what you caught those 2 on.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Kenny dogfish 7-17-08.jpg 
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ID:	6116  

  16. #16

    Default Dog Fish Dish # 2

    Sorry, I forgot the dish. One of many that my brother has for these, but he would not give out his secret gumbo dish. Try this ( make certian you get these cleaned and our on ice as quick as you can).

    KENNY's Baked Buttermilk Bowfin
    • Soak skinless bowfin fillets in buttermilk for 4 hours in the fridge.
    • Pre-heat oven to 350F.
    • Butter a large glass casserole dish.
    • Place a layer of sliced onions on bottom of the dish, then layer the fillets on top.
    • Pour Italian salad dressing over fin fillets.
    • Place another layer of sliced onion on top.
    • Cover with tin foil and bake for 30 minutes or until flaky.
    • Remove from heat, uncover, and sprinkle chedder cheese on top and recover till melted.

    Good eatin

  17. #17


    Super lookin' dogfish, Lucas! Man, you guys have probably already ate the new state record without realizing it.

    Thanks for the recipe. It looks kind of similar to one that my mother used to make, but I'm not sure if she used Italian dressing. And I don't think that she used buttermilk either. I'll have to give it a try.

    I've always enjoyed fresh dogfish fish filets that are cooked just straight up in a frying pan in a little bit of bacon grease. With a dash of salt & peper and that's it. I know that people are more health conscience these days and so they probably want to remove the skin to get rid of the fat or any toxins. But personally I don't mind if the skin is on. It crisps up real nice and has a great flavor in my opinion.

    I've never tried using bluegill chunks before. Thanks for the tip.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Naperville, IL


    Thanks. The 10 were caught the week of 6/13-6/20. All caught on bucktails, storm swimbaits, or bass spinner baits. The fish were probably upper 20 inches. I lost one that was easily 15lbs. I never specifically target them, but catch a ton when I am up there.

    To catch them on the Jersey look for when they stick their head out of the water and cast towards them, they are sure to bite.

  19. #19

    Default Record Fish

    Jim, it sure sounds like you know where the big boys are. I'll tell you, the next time that you catch one of these really big ones, you should seriously consider bringing it in to have it officially weighed and measured.

    Why not get your name into the record books! I know that I would if given the opportunity. A 15lb. fish should have the length to do it.

    Hope you get it!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default bowfin on mohawksin

    last summer i was out with a friend fishin perch from shore and he hooked into a monster of a fish after about 10 minutes fighting it he finally got it to shore. it was a 32 1/2 inch bowfin and i would guess it was almost 15lbs.

  21. #21

    Default Record Fish

    Hi Fish.

    Thanks for sharing your story. That is a tremendous size bowfin and would be the new state record for sure. I hope that if you ever have another opportunity like that, you'll take the fish in and get it officially registered.

    After reading all these bowfin reports, I've decided that I have got to get to Tomahawk ASAP.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Naperville, IL


    I wish I would have known the record before. I will surely consider shooting for it next year when I am up there.

  23. #23

    Smile soon to fall

    Fish for All, What lake? Can you post a pic? I've got the feeling that this record is going down soon. My money is on lake Mohawksin. Jim I'm sure your money is on the Jersey but trust me if my brother Kenny is the dogfish king. After I told him of Silversprings post of the current record he has his mind set up to get it(he has eated 3 to 4 records already). I found myself the other day chasing them more( I used to only go for them when Kenny was in the boat). Got 7 but none close to the record. I'm sorry but I'm now keeping some of my hot spots and techinques until I bag the ONE. Just joking. 2 on crawlers and the rest on cut gills. This will happen soon. Go Mohawksin!!!!!!

  24. #24


    Try Sawdy pond (the bay behind Aquatic Arts) for Dogfish, the largest we caught in there was 29 inches but we have heard reports of bigger then that. Most anglers catch them by acident and do not think about weighting them for the record books.

    Aquatic Arts Fishing Pro Shop

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