Pretty interesting behavior by the muskies tonight as I snuck out for a few hours with a couple close friends. In the short time we were out we had action from 3 muskies and a pike - with each of the muskies putting on it's own "highlight" reel of sorts with it's strike. Our first fish came shooting out from under and over a log while attempting to chase down a Magnum Mepps Musky Killer. The second fish absolutely rocked a Dunwright Dancer, coming from straight below the lure to get airborne a couple feet out of the water before making a big belly flop splash and landing - that always gets the pulse going! Our last fish also came flying out of the water boatside in hot pursuit of the lure as it was going into the figure-eight, quickly prompting a couple of colorful grunts and adjectives from the front of the boat. While all three managed to either get hooked or avoid staying hooked, it certainly made for some excitement and good laughs. There's just nothing quite like musky fishing!

Tight lines,