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Thread: Decrease in fishing pressure

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default Decrease in fishing pressure

    Has anyone else noticed a decrease in fishing pressure over the past couple of years or is it just me?? I am seeing fewer and fewer motorized boats on the river each year.

    I wonder if it is economics or just fewer young folks taking up fishing for a hobby??
    Allegheny Guide Service
    Red Childress

    E-mail - RedChildress@gmail.com
    Web Site: http://www.alleghenyguideservice.com

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Decrease

    The commercial traffic is way off, as is the recreational traffic. This has been a topic in my boat quite often this year.
    Rich W

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Last night I made the comment that I have never seen that many boats on the river on a weeknight in years. Funny thing is there were only about six boats. I have definitely noticed a decrease in boating traffic over the last few years.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009


    I know of one guy that didn't even get his boat out of storage LAST year, let alone this year. A 20,000.00 boat and he doesn't even use it. A few more that did not even get a license and 1 other guy that has been out once this year. And that is just guys at the plant. None are musky fisherman. Do seem to see the same guys at lake arthur where I Fish alot. But same goes with hunting also. Seems like everyone has lost interest.

  5. #5


    Yeah last night was one of the tuesday night bass tournaments put on by one of the local bass clubs, most weekday evenings there is low traffic. I would have to say i've seen a small decrease in the number of boats on the water in the past 5 or so years. Fishing i beleive has been on a decline over the past years because most people feel they are getting ripped off when they buy their liscenses, what they dont realize is they are making the best investment of the year. Kids have other interest nowadays, outdoor activities are not on the list for most. Guys i work with are always complaining about going out fishing and never catching a fish and saying how PA sucks for fishing of any species. We have a great deal of variety in this state that alot of states dont have... Trout fishing, walleye across the state, bass fishing, musky and pike, and of course panfish of all types... And of course the most popular overall in the silver bullets that run the trib of lake erie every fall. I think if more kids took to the outdoors alot of kids would stay out of trouble and find that they really enjoy the outdoors...my 2 cents

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009


    you are right alleg. river kid I have 4 nephews and 1 neice that every birthday or holiday I get them somethng that has to do with hunting or fishing. They are young, But I am trying to "brainwash" them at the early age about the best things on this planet. My brothers don't seem to mind. I love it when they ask " when I get bigger can I go with you Uncle Matt" I even went to the point of making gift cards on the computer and giving them to all 5 that says " Hunting or Fishing license for life, Uncle Matt will pay". Between the nintendos and wee, That is tough to compete with. But I try. Totally off the main subject, but you get my point

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I have seen no difference on the river and 3 main lakes that I fish. The musky fishing pressure has at least tripled in the last few years on the water I fish. Time to get a 9.9 so I am not restricted!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2009


    You should get a 10 hp Joe. I got my 9.9 nissan from cabelas on sale after working back to back double's for 12 days straight. I used to use my 50hp and trying to make it look like I was using my broken down 9.9 until I got stopped by boat commission. Spend some cash for a smaller motor and stimulate the economy. (Even though I bought a jap motor..... ) It's a Joke - relax.....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Tionesta, Pa.


    Here in Tionesta the only big traffic of course is on holidays and peak times of fall. I have also noticed in the "off " periods there is less boat traffic than a few years ago. Lately there isn't many at all out there. A couple boats here or there. I too as mentioned see many boats around here just sitting taking up space in the driveway and it kills me to see people letting there boat go to " waste " when someone like me that doesn't have one would surely be using it several times a week. Especially the guy across the street with a great looking 16 all set to go that moved in at the beginning of the year and NEVER even put it in the water at all yet and it just sits there !!

  10. #10


    Wow, no pressure ! Down here on the Susquehanna (Harrisburg to Saginaw) its crazy on weekends with much more fishing pressure than two years ago. We went to put in last Friday at 06:00 and there were already fourteen boats in and two waiting to launch, besides us and that is just at the New Market Park launch, how many from Middletown I would not want to know. TOOOO many for us. Checked out the same launch Monday, two boats, shame I had to work.
    Tons of Crayfish the Bass fishermen said that because of the vast amount Crayfish there was not alot of Bass guys out !
    No more weekend fishing for us around here as we don't like crowds, weekdays look more inviting.

    Bob S.

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