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Thread: Nokomis Musky ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Nokomis Musky ?

    How come I never see pictures or reports of people catching muskie out of there? I've had moderate success over the years - nothing over 40" but the fish seem few and far between. I think I know what I'm doing. Early morning topwater fishing and plastics/cranks on the edges. Doesnt seem like it gets alot of pressure. What do u think?

    It's an excellent bass and walleye lake - many nice bass over 5 lbs.


  2. #2


    It will next week! With the opener.
    Aquatic Arts Fishing Pro Shop

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Naperville, IL


    Now, I could be way way way off on this, but it seems to me like lakes are cyclical in terms of the fish they produce. It seems like last few years Lake Alice has become the "hot" musky lake. I seem to remember that years ago Nokomis was more popular as a musky fishery. We used to get alot more action on Jersey for muskies than we do now. I do seem to think that some years certain lakes are better producers than others. Just my two cents.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Nokomis does produce muskies. The problem is the lack of water in the lake most of the year. People just dont hit that lake because of the low water. I know I've avoided the lake after the water level goes down, and that has been at the end of june the last few years.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    I wouldn't describe Alice as a "hot" musky lake especially compared to Mohawksin. You can go a several days in a row with nothing on Alice but put the same amount of time on Mohawksin and you will have some action and put some in the net. Mohawksin has been stocked several times while Alice is basically a self sustaining fishery with no stocking of musky for many, many years. Why do you think all the local musky tourneys are on Mohawksin? More fish=more opportunities. Good luck fishing this year!!!!!

  6. #6

    Default Nokomis

    Nokomis is rated A/1 by the WIDNR. This means that it can produce trophy fish, but has a lower population of muskies. I have been in a number of houses and cabins on Nokomis and there are some nice mounts of upper 40" fish on many people's walls that have come from there, but they don't come easy, even to guides.

    I think Mohawksin has more muskies per acre than Nokomis, but on average they are smaller. Depends on what you are after I guess, I have fished both waters.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Actually, I believe they host the tournaments on Mohawksin because of its location. There are plenty of lakes in the area that produce lots of fish, but Mohawksins location makes it Ideal for hosting tournaments. That's not to say it doesn't produce lots of fish , it does, but its location really is why we have all the tournaments there.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    MVB, Good point! I would say the number of fish plus the location plus the size of the lake is what makes Mohawksin a great tourney destination. And also don't forget they have the best bait and tackle shop around right on the lake, Aquatic Arts!!!! And if you get that trophy you can take a pic and release it and they will make you an awesome replica mount!!!!!

  9. #9

    Default I got one!

    I got a 47" 30 lbs muskie on opening day around 9:30ish right after it sprinkled for about ten minutes and then the sun began to shine through...caught it in bridge lake (chain of nokomis) i would post a picture but its not allowing me to upload it onto here so...sorry
    Last edited by Musky Hunter; 06-26-2009 at 08:49 AM.

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