That's a better way of putting it. The perfect balance point. With that phrase in mind, you can really visualize how this set up will detect even the slightest sniff from a walleye.

On a similar note, I have to comment (again) on something I see all the time.
I'm a big fan of the Ice Buster bobber for a number of reasons. What I see as it's best feature, a lot of people do not take advantage of. The ability to trim the length to achieve almost neutral buoyancy in relationship to a given lure.

Makes a big difference when the fish are in a neutral state. I assume some are not aware of this option, and others are too cheap to modify the bobber, and render it useless for a heavier lure. I have seen days where this trick makes the difference from a zero to a hero.

I sure hope no one asks which side of the bobber to remove.