I wonder how many folks remember the Saturday night dances in that old, creaky barn across the road from Shane & Molly’s Midway Bar? This, of course, was back several decades ago when Ed Robinson served the beer at Midway instead of Shane. The floor in that old barn would actually bounce up and down in sync with the folks who were stomping-out their polka dance moves. Hey, if you didn’t want to get out there on the floor and do your thing, it was almost as much fun just to sit and watch - - while tapping your foot in time with the music, of course, whether you wanted to or not. (It was tough not to do so.)

In case of the need to answer a call of nature, the ladies would cross the road into the bar. The guys would just go outside over on the north side of the barn and water the daisies.

The orchestra would generally consist of an accordion, fiddle and a drum. Nothing more was needed for a good time every Saturday night. Admission was free and everyone was welcome to come on in and do their thing. Saturday nights were always fun. Nowadays, folks are most likely held captive in their own friendly confines by their satellite TV. That’s too bad. Musky Mauler