Hey Perchoreno,

First of all thanks for the kind words on my threads.

To answer your question on Green Bay and Sturgeon Bay. All the muskies that have been stocked are the Great Lakes strain muskies. To give you a little history muskies are native to Green Bay and Lake Winnebago, but the fish were eliminated in the bay during the mid-1900s by over-fishing, pollution, habitat degradation, and interactions with exotic species.

Muskies were reintroduces in 1989 to parts of the bay and the Fox River followed by more extensive stocking in the mid 1990’s to more areas. The only natural reproduction that I am aware of has taken place on the Menominee River and that has been very limited. Also there has been some tiger muskies caught in the Sturgeon Bay area which means there must be some there also. The other mounts that you seen at Sunset where probably Wisconsin strained which are actually barred muskies. I would think that those probably came from another system but not sure.

If you have any further questions please feel free to ask.