I've been out guiding and just fishing with friends the last four days and we've been moving some fish but just bad timing on spots I think. We boated one upper thirty inch fish and lost a few others. We did move a couple big ones yesterday in the short time on the water. We've only been seeing about four a day. My buddy Corey Meyer fished basically the same spots I did a couple days ago and had a great day seeing 11 fish and boating a 46 and 47 incher. We saw two and caught one that day. That's just how it goes sometimes. Timing is everything. Most of the fish lately in this wind have been on bucktails and jerkbaits. The water temps are pretty high. Yesterday they were are 72 degrees and I'm sure even higher in some of the bays.

As a side note; yesterday while eating some breakfast at the Landing I heard some guys talking about getting their boat stuck on a bog so I went over and helped them get it off. They had a twenty foot Skeeter bass boat way up on a bog. Pretty nice work. They spent the night on the bog. It took a lot of tinkering and a bunch of guys pushing but we finally got it off the bog. We made sure to take some pictures first so I'll get those up later this week.