Kind of the same thoughts I have on it, nothing definite, but seems less activity and certainly a lot less follows for sure. I know the number of boats is a lot less. I remember the parking lot it used to be, but this year we were out the first week in November and there were a handful of other boats on WEbster. On a weekend of all things. I remember days with 20 plus follows and I wasn't even around in the REAL heyday. Life cycle is something I wondered about, I mean, after a certain point, a lot of the young muskies that are put in are being eaten by big muskies, and the numbers of giant shad balls out on webster that you run into are not as common as they used to be. Might be they are eating themselves and their food source out of house and home. I don't know if the floods had any affect either, but if they are catching numbers of fish below the freeman dam, that means fish are making it down through the river and a couple big lakes just to get there. If it is a case of fish going down stream, maybe we can look forward to another population explosion in a few years that fills in the gap. Hard to know. Maybe Brookville will be the next big lake.