Keep fishing 4 fun....
There is definitely a learning curve when fishing ML for the first few times.....and yes the walleye guys/gals catch their share on leaches and slip bobbers. I however am a artificial bait guy. I find the best time to fish for my stlye of fishing is bright sunlight blue sky days. This concentratates the bigger fish on the structure and ths sunlight allows you to sight fish the structure. Polarized sunglasses probally allows me and my clients to catch 80% plus of our fish by sight fishing, but they have to be the best polarization available....I firmly believe in Ocean Waves sunglasses, I've had other brand from very expensive to cheap one and some are good, BUT not even close to OceanWaves.

There are some smallies in the weeds and spinnerbaits, buz baits etc will catch em. One of the things to be sussessfull on ML is able to read lake conditions and whats going on with the food source. When the food source is plentyfull ie lake bug hatch, young or the year fry from the spawn etc, the bite definetly slows down and your approach to bait selection etc changes than when the forage gets scarce and the fish become more active a will chase your baits. Right now the fish are schooled on the rock reefs and like cattle will "graze" the reefs in search of might find them on one spot of the reef today and tomorrow they may be hundreds of yards down the reef, and may be active and be you have to be patient. They wont leave the reefs as long as there is cover, and a plentiful food source. wont catch em if you dont chase em!