Good news!!!The weather forecast has changed for the better.More sun and warmer temps-EXACTLY what we need!Also more food and all the beverages showed up today.Unfortunately I wasn't able to duck the heavy labor part as I usually do but am confident all guides and staff not present today will voluntarily contribute to the Dick Pearson Chiropractic Relief Fund sweat.(if they don't I think it only fair that we assess such costs against all staff who hold rank above Lt Colonel.)
The bad news?Well the missing ice cream has not turned up but I located an empty wrapper today so it's possible,not likely but possible,it could still turn up.I was partly rewarded for my efforts today though when our fearless leader,feeling sorry for me having no boat and moping around I suspect,took me out fishing for a few hours.Why is that in the 'bad news' category you ask?Well because he's loosing his touch-it took him about 24 minutes to position me to catch a muskie.:-)
Travel carefully all and see you soon!