Sorry for the lapse of reports...but it's been busy.

Muskies are getting real active....weed edges, thick weeds, and inside edges are the best area to concentrate on right now....typical pre-turnover.

Suicks, Cowgirls, Large spinnerbaits, and of course quick-striked suckers are producing for me.....water temps are right around 59 to 61 on most lakes...that will change over the next few days.

During yesterday's hurricane, we boated 4 muskies to 40" on combos of livebait and were definitely in the wind!

Walleyes are biting pretty consistant on redtails on steep breaks of sand/gravel and mud flats....I found very active fish the other day in 42' of depths are 18 to 25 with shallower movements right before dark.

Use the lightest jig possible and liphook a redtail. Look for walleyes to move into the deeper holes of any lake soon....just as the crappies will....

Fall colors are looking good and we aren't having a shortage of rain!

good luck!
