It must have been the weekend for big Walleyes, We had 2 29.5" fish brought in and I heard of a good number of other 25 to 28" fish most of those being C&R. The walleye are finally getting into a summer pattern. Most of the fish are being found in 12 to 20 fow in the day and shallower in the mornings and evenings. Baits of choice seem to be leeches or crawlers on Jigs, Slip Bobbers or lindy rigs. On the windy days try drifting a bottom bouncer and a crawler harness.
The weeds are getting thick and the Largemouth are tucking up under the mats of weeds that are forming. Weedless frogs work great for getting at them. Remember to wait after that bass blows up on your frog before setting the hook. And when you do set, set it hard.
Spinnerbaits and Weedless Spoons have been wroking great for Pike and can be a trip saver when the other target fish get lock jaw.
Musky fishing is picking up, Plastics fished over deeper breaks and surface baits like the Dreamcatcher Whiplash for the tops of structure in the evening or mornings. Bright color baits are choice right now and speed is key, They want that bait moving fast, and remember to figure 8, 2/3 of my fish are on figure 8's this year and they are comming out of nowhere when they hit.

Good luck on the water