Make note... this coming Sunday, evening (6/13 7pm) on RFRG Outdoors Radio we're having an "Ask the Guides" show! RFRG Radio listener Jeremy Hopland will be visiting from Texas and fielding the questions to the RFRG guides, Muskie Matt, Pete Stoltman, and Mat Hegy. I'm going to invite in a couple other area guides to round out a panel of 4-5 guides to answer questions from Jeremy, callers, and e-mailers. It's going to be a show packed with LOTS of useful information. Be ready with pen and paper this coming Sunday evening, 7pm! Use our website links to listen in live and by all means call us at 715-479-7574or at least shoot us an e-mail at and ask us YOUR questions on fishing the Vilas/Onieda county area!