Well we are getting geared up for another fishing season. We are expecting another outstanding fishing season. The baitfish numbers are huge. Which means our walleyes are going to be real healthy this season. Last year we had one of the best fishing seasons that we have ever had. We had many days we caught over 200 fish in a day.

We are booking walleye and smallmouth trips daily. Make sure if you have a certain date you want to fish to give us a call so you can get your date. It does not matter if you are an avid fisherman or have never fished, you will have an excellent fishing trip with Allen's.

Just a word of note. Last year Dad's wife Norma came down with lung cancer. She is doing well. Her cancer is in remission. Norma does not have full strength, but she still did alot of hunting this fall, geese, ducks, deer, antelope, and pheasants. Right now they are in Cancun enjoying the nice weather.

Mike Allen

Our fishing tournament is April 24-25, 2010.