As tournament director of the LSMC, Our up coming tournament the 20th of Sept, has a new rule, that during this tournament any team may use a third line in the prop wash while trolling. I tend to wonder if this rule could be excepted by the IMTT, in there events as well. Should tournament fishing for muskies be controlled by rules that take away , from the tactics that do well for some anglers? Recently, the LSMC , had Walter Krause, speak at our September meeting, in which he had spoke on how hard it was to catch muskies at Shelbyville, do to all the different elements, water levels, and visability, could go on and on!!!
So why restrict the angler, if its is so hard to catch them here in Illinois. We should allow any and every tactic....Planner boards, live bait, casting Trolling, jigging, Carolina rigs, dragging. What do you ,the angler, feel about this subject? Should we be allow to fish any way we can to catch muskies?

kevin McGill