Yes, there are definitely muskies down here and it is a very beautiful state. I have to agree with you on it being costly to go to Frank's from down here, as it is about a 22+ hours to drive. Hopefully gas prices will stay down for a while, but I'm not going to hold my breath. The muskie fisheries are still being developed, but as I'm sure Doug will tell you the future of TN muskie fishing looks pretty bright. Not very much summertime muskie fishing with the water temps, but guys do catch them in some of the cool running rivers. Not to mention that the big 40-50 lb stripers are catchable all year long. The ideal scenario would be to spend the summers on LOTW and the winters down here, which is pretty close to what Doug gets to do. Unfortunately it will be a while before I can retire into that lifestyle. Of course some people think that I live like that now.