Well I hope everyone had a safe and successful Muskie and gun deer season. My experiences this year in the field really make me wonder about the human brain and what actually happens when common sense is lost due to hunting or fishing. This year during bow season I was out with my brother in law, wife and good friend preparing for the next day hunt when my wife and friend were approached by two males. The one male was yelling at my wife and friend and accusing us of stealing his camera chip and batteries. I heard the yelling and proceeded to intervene only to be accused of the same. Wisconsin has unfortunately witnessed killings do to confrontational issues in the past and the fact that someone would accuse individuals of stealing without any justification is alarming! First, I have hunted that particular stand for years and very seldom see hunters and in fact never seen this local hunter until that day. He said he just put the camera up a day ago. Personally, if I was stealing I would steal the camera!! This individual after sitting in his stand realized there were more poeple hunting this area. I believe its reactions like this that can provoke confrontations. Sad as it is this individual has never expressed an apology to any of the group even though this person resides in this small town. This type of behavior is unacceptable and is really unsportmans like. Same area gun season and we have a young hunter in the stand only to be greeted by a two man drive team on saturday morning. This wouldnt bother anyone unless the individuals decided it would be best to continue to move back and forth through the area in the afternoon using walkie talkies to alert each other. Basically violating the area for the young stander. When I approached the hunters and asked whether they saw the hunter they said sure . I asked them why they continued to walk through the area morning and evening? Because it was federal property they were entitled too and they didnt care the hunter was set up there first they wanted to hunt there. I dont know about anyone else but if I encountered another hunter using the area I intended to hunt I would not continue to violate the area and move on. I just cant figure why some people feel its ok to not respect other hunters and fisherman as having a spot on a first come first serve basis until that person leaves. I dont think any spot is that good. Where has our sportsmanship gone. Has anyone else experienced this type of behavior? What did you do? Sorry for ranting. By the way we shot three bucks passed on another and passed on a doe. Seven hunters for openning weekend.