I’d concur that the drought conditions and warmer weather greatly impacted things. However, walleye fishing is very different so far this year even on the lower Allegheny. Fish aren’t just in normal places for this time of year in any decent numbers. Spent the day Saturday at tionesta looking for walleyes and managed only a couple which is really unusual. Locals confirmed terrible fishing this year. The lower river has been the same with some larger than normal fish but way fewer numbers by far. Normal patterns just aren’t working. Bass numbers around warren are down due to harvest. I’ve watched many leave in recent years and in my one trip this fall, twenty plus went into a buggy. That doesn’t explain it all but it’s really hurting the smallmouth population. Low water has occurred in the past accompanied by good fishing. In fact my best fall ever around warren for all species was just that set up. Larger numbers of kayaks? That doesn’t explain the lower river right now. Could be water temps being higher??? I’m open to ideas. Just goes to show how much there is to learn about fish location and movement on the river. Just when we think we have it figured out......