I imagine there has been a fair number of ‘pike guys’ around so any input on water temps appreciated.
I imagine there has been a fair number of ‘pike guys’ around so any input on water temps appreciated.
Low 60s I guess.
64.7 highest report I got.
Brrr...has to be one of the coldest openers in quite a while?? 19 days til we head up for a week!
I'm not too pessimistic,just hoping to be there and in action by the next major 'warm up'.Get in on the first mini rampage of bigs.Always is one before traditional prime time.
Guess site totally dead so will quit but for any interested in temps,had 66-68 main lake and up to 71.8 in back bays yesterday.
AND,they are going.
Good fishing all!
Thanks DP. We are getting all jacked up to come up. We have a large group again this year. Hope to run into you somewhere. I have a red ranger in case you forgot.
Glad to hear things are heating up...T-minus 10 days before our group heads to Bell
Steve I think you should return that boat I loaned you.
Thank you.
Hi DP-
Thanks for the info, sounds like the temps should be the same by the time I get there Saturday. How are water levels looking? Curious if I should get my spare prop ready...
Be off this water a few days but yesterday my readings much different than yours Udee.Lowest in main basin was 68 and had as high as 75 in back bays. Who knows? Mine is off a brand new trolling motor so????
Get some biggies and good fishing all!
Hey DP-
The temps were back up yesterday a bit for me. Found 71 in back bays and had 65/66 main lake. It rained and cooled off pretty good the first day, so I’m sure that lowered the surface temperature a bit. Seems like she’s climbing back up.
Don't worry DP, I have taken good care of her. She is ready to rock and roll !!!
84 in a back bay yesterday.Too much of a good thing.