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Thread: Annual Flatlanders Assault on LOTW

  1. #1

    Cool Annual Flatlanders Assault on LOTW

    It is getting that time of year again for the Flatlanders Annual Assault on LOTW. We had our last meeting Tuesday night before the trip and there was a lot of anxious anglers. Looking forward to getting up there and meeting the new pup and then bombing around on Lake of the Woods. Question to Frank, has all the recent rain brought the water level up quickly or are things progressing as normal? The LOTW control board site has not updated since the 14th so that is why I am asking.


  2. #2


    One would think that an individual that knew the definition of the term hysteresis would know how to interpret the chart, but I see it as about 6" below average for this time of year.

    More importantly, I have posted a picture of this year's door prize below. All I can say is, "SWEET"!!!!!

    Click here to see picture:
    Walsh's Bay Store Camp
    Frank Walsh

    Web Site: http://www.baystorecamp.com

  3. #3


    What? No response to the door prize? Speaking of the pup, she turned 6 months old today. And is as tall as Kringle. Maybe shoulder height on Ruhmann.
    Walsh's Bay Store Camp
    Frank Walsh

    Web Site: http://www.baystorecamp.com

  4. #4


    Well I should have waited a day for the LOTW control board to update everything. Patience is a virtue I am told. Love the "Emperor's new door prize". It is a sight to be hold. In regards to the pup, I would suspect by the time I get there we will be seeing eye to eye.

  5. #5


    Don’t know. Chesapeakes are pretty intelligent.....
    Walsh's Bay Store Camp
    Frank Walsh

    Web Site: http://www.baystorecamp.com

  6. #6


    Well we are (2) weeks away and the group is getting fired up. Frank and the gang, can you give us a general status of things, water level, temperature, etc. I keep being asked and I can only share my limited information.

    Thanks, Steve

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    I'm headed in tomorrow for a week at Bell Island. I'll try to post an update or two. Hopefully Dick hasn't been hitting "my" spots too hard over that way!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008


    There are no fish in the Bell Island area

  9. #9


    Water about 73-75, and level slightly low. Weeds similar to last year.
    Walsh's Bay Store Camp
    Frank Walsh

    Web Site: http://www.baystorecamp.com

  10. #10


    Thanks Frank and we look forward to the updates cwestly !!


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    It's been an interesting week so far especially with the unstable weather. Weeds seem a bit behind in a few areas but catching up fast. Water temps are 72-75

    Overall we haven't seen a ton of fish but the ones we have located are ready to eat. Stuck a 49" piggy yesterday and we have another half dozen from 37-41 in the last couple days. Fish have been all over the map location wise and as bait preferences. 2 more days to go we'll see what happens as the NW wind howls as I type.

  12. #12


    Thanks Cwestly !!

    Our group is chomping at the bit. Leave a week from today and into camp Saturday in the afternoon. Getting primed up right now !!! Finish strong and good luck !!


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Winds and cloudless skies kicked our butts Thursday and Friday. We saw quite a few including some big girls but couldn't get anything to eat. Here's the 49...my 6 yr old son Max was pretty excited to be in the boat for it.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	LOTW49.jpg 
Views:	933 
Size:	105.3 KB 
ID:	28511

  14. #14


    Nice fish Cwestly, glad to see you could share it with your son, those moments are very special. Sorry to hear the bluebirds came in, they can make things tough. Thanks again for the updates.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2008


    So any Flatlanders reports???

  16. #16


    Sorry Darren, I have been a slacker. We had (74) fish caught by (25) anglers. (1) 50" caught by Kyle Scruggs. 3 personal best, 46 Steve Turner, 48.5 Brandon Simonson and 49 Jeremy Ven Huizen. Lot's of big fish seen and I know of (2) beasts that were lost. I still need to break down the totals and will try to do so.


  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Not bad #'s good for you guys leaving Friday

  18. #18


    Darren, travel safe and stick a few piggies. And if you can help it, don't be a slacker like me.


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