The cooler "un-summer" like weather continues....although I don't mind not guiding everyday in the heat and sun!! Water temps are mostly in the 67-69 range on all lakes and depths. Obviously some mornings after a 40's night the surface temp will be cooler for starters in the morning.

I just hope that summer doesn't come in Sept like it has some years back....that isn't what we want!

Walleyes: Still remain very consistant to very good....there were a couple tougher days in there since the last report, but for the most, this year will go down as one of the best overall bites for walleyes in my boat. Right now the bite is very much a early morning and evening can be caught during the day if the conditions are right. Typical depths on the edges are 14-17 feet and humps as deep as 20'(top).I am catching fish on weed edges, deep sand, and gravel and rock bars in the evening....some fish are coming from deep mud during the day. My go-to approach is still simple....less is more. 1/16 oz Bait Rig Slow pokes, a 3/16 bullet weight and Phelps Floater, or just a split shot and hook. Tip with a crawler(full) or a leech if you can find them. Work it slow and allow fish to run with the offering, setting the hook immediately will only result in a missed fish.

Muskies: Fish remain very active on the windy days, relating to wind blown weed flats and heavy weed cover. It's easy fishing.....burn blades....Double 8's seem to work the best for me right now...Little Louis, Showgirls, Flashers are working the best...did get some action from open water yesterday on Bulldawgs. Most however has been from the shallow weeds burning blades...some action has come on the larger 9's and 10's, but mostly that has been after dark. Muskies are super fat right now (as they have been all year), can't wait to see what they'll look like this fall....which could be starting real soon!(let's hope!!) I haven't been able to guide muskies a ton this season, but I think with 24 jobs in since opener, I now have 29 fish to show for it...and 11 more than shook the odds have been in my favor....wait til fall and the numbers will go up, go time!!