Hi everyone,

Well, the fishing is tough. The fish are there, but don't want to cooperate. I see a lot of fish on the vex, and they act like they want to hit, but then just back off. Frustrating , but comical too. They charge up to the bait, then stop and swim back down as fast as they swam up.

Today and evening,all the action came in ten minuets. caught two Walleyes jigging and then had a flag that was dropped. That was it. A short feeding window for sure.

Today was probably the coldest day of fishing so far. It was 4 above when I started at noon, and 2 below 0 when I got off the lake after dark. luckily the wind was very mild from the south all day. It snowed for most of the day until just before dark when the skies cleared.

I fished my favorite lake close to home again. it is a small and fairly shallow lake and I figure the fishing is probably slow due to lower oxygen levels brought on by the reduced sunlight with all the snow on the ice for most of the winter and now the thick ice that is reducing the penetration of sunlight. Tommorow I'll be fishing a larger deeper lake that has some deep sand grass. If the oxygen lavels are better there, maybe the Walleyes will be more active. I'll report tomoroww how I do.
