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View Full Version : Flatlanders Will Be There Soon

06-20-2009, 11:38 AM
Hey Frank, how are things at Bay Store. I havn't talked to ya in a while. Lookin forward to the trip. I know it won't be the usual cast of characters, but we still intend on having a good time and catchin lots of fish. With three weeks and counting, I'm sure this will give you plenty of time to get camp ready for our little buddy. I've been lookin over my maps, and I seem to only have one place marked. :D I'm sure the weeds will be up and fish will be movin by the time we get there. I hope Operation Muskie yields some big girls for all the Vets this year, just make sure ya save a couple of em for us Flatlanders. Is Travis workin the love shack this year. Can't wait to see what he's done with the place. Hey, DP. I know ya'll read this. Since your a close neighbor of Frank's now , maybe you could stick around one night and dinner and a cocktail with us. Can't wait to get there, see ya soon.

Frank Walsh
06-23-2009, 05:27 AM
Already working on the "Little Buddy" plans. I plan to out do myself. We were just plotting, oops planning, yesterday in the boat. I have to tell you. The neighborhood is much better with Oliver and Lisa Douglass living next door. We even have Mr. Haney coming by every few days looking for wild asparagus.

Spot???? What spot???? It's now marked on the "Fishing Hot-spots" map.

06-23-2009, 06:40 PM
Are you guys talking about the spot with the new McDonalds burger joint on the beach?
Was going to stop for some french fries but the commercial fishermen putting out nets had the entrance blocked.:(

06-24-2009, 04:51 AM
Just saw the last sentence of your post-must be age related.I'll be happy to hang around.Frank feeds me poorly.

06-24-2009, 09:44 PM
I am in a group of three coming up the same time as the Flatlanders this year. Look forward to meeting the Flatlanders but this Dick Pearson and this Frank character seem a little strange. Phil Gutman told me I need to keep my distance.

17 days to go gentlemen-

My newly made bucktails are sharpened and ready for a bell ringer! Bring it on NW Angle!

Just treat us a little better with the weather this year (PLEASE).

Look forward to meeting everyone,

TJ Sportsman

06-24-2009, 10:41 PM
I agree with you about Frank-a bit strange.On the other hand,I'm 100%.
Of course some may wonder 100% of what?

Muskie Junkie
06-25-2009, 09:14 AM
Well the Flatlander group is getting rev'ed up and ready to invade the Baystore. TJ, we look forward to meeting you and you are most welcome to come visit with any of any time. We usually get together at the end of the evening and discuss the days events. Types of location, hot baits, the one that got away, etc. We also have one night ( at least the group staying in the main store cabin) where we have steak night. You are welcome to bring a steak and grill out with us. We are hoping to put some food in Pearson's face that evening.

Well, the boat is almost ready, most hooks are sharp, and Scottie has agreed to leave his lip at home, Stu got a hair cut, Jerry loaded up on Tandems, Wally has a spare "Blue" glove, Gene has some new special baits ( we will keep that between us Geno), not sure if Teddy got a new net, Jack has the boat spit shined, Richie knows he will only get to fish one spot on the lake, Tim has only one spot on the lake in mind to fish, Harvey got a partner in Dean Stoehr, Chris is ready to fish all night and drive to Moroson and back in an evening, Derek has his "Bloody Floppy Hat", and I am already not sleeping with the anticipation of another wonderful trip to the Angle. Oh yah, I have Muskie Lew's rod again to share with the group and the bottle of Lord Calvert so we can toast to Lew.

We will have tight lines in 2009 !!!! Hope those are not Doink, Doink, Doink lines though, right Jerry?

Steve Ruhmann

s grabow
06-25-2009, 09:27 AM
lip what lip ?

06-25-2009, 04:16 PM
Gee Scott, so much to say. I'm sure you'll get more talkative in the coming weeks. Hey TJ, lookin forward to meeting you also. Is this your first trip to LOTW. If it is, your in for a treat. Unfortunitly Phil's right about Frank and DP. After a day or two you'll get used to em. See you guy's later.

06-26-2009, 10:26 PM
No, not my first trip, just the first time I have been able to get into the Baystore.

Sincerely I know these guys are legends of the lake and look forward to meeting them. I have followed the Flatlander results for several years now and also am looking forward to picking the brains of some experienced NW Angle fisherman as well.

Last year we were up during monsoon season and managed to put some fish in the boat in spite of very difficult conditions, I am hoping we fare a little better this year weather wise. Look forward to it, 14 days and counting,


06-28-2009, 10:48 PM
Been so darn busy these last few months I have not had time to say hello. Hope all is well Frank and Laura (you 2 Dick - not really). Seeing everyone at the Pierce Lake shocking yesterday got me thinking about and missing Baystore even more. Wish I was making the trip this year but will have to wait till next summer. Have a safe and fruitful trip everyone, good luck. Sully

06-29-2009, 05:59 AM
Can't we all just be friends?I love ya man.

06-29-2009, 06:32 AM
Isn't Pierce lake the one at the park there near Loves Park, I can't remember the name of it. I am originally from the area. I was just wondering what poped up during the shocking?


06-29-2009, 08:00 AM
Hey Tom, Steve Ruhmann and myself actually had the honor of being in the DNR boat while shocking. We ended up shocking 15 walleye, largest being a huge 30 incher. 3 largemouth bass, largest being about 4.5 to 5 pounds. 3 pike , largest being around 24 inches. 1 catfish. 8 musky between 30 to 35 inches. We had a lot of spectaters that helped spot fish, making netting much easier. We had a lot fun doin this and we look forward to doin it annually now. The Flatlanders have been doing stocking projects over the years and after talking withe Dan from the DNR, he estimates that we saved about $1000.00 worth of musky from goin down to the river. So. this is definitly a project worth doing annually. Thanks for askin. 11 more days before Flatladers invade Baystore, can't wait!

Muskie Junkie
07-06-2009, 12:25 PM
Well with (5) days remaining I am now at a point of zero concentration here at work. Looking forward to getting to the Baystore and then start the task of finding some fish. Since we had the "Mother of all cold Fronts", where are the water temps. at now? I suspect fish will still be weed related for at least another week. Just looking for some tid bits to get me through these next few days. Frank, I hope you have the "Old Folks" cabin prepared those guys. They will need all the little creature comforts that you can come up with. :p

Steve Ruhmann

Mr Musky
07-06-2009, 09:56 PM
The ten day forecast looks like mid to upper 60's only for a high for the next ten days. Is this going to be enough for the big girls to break loose or will they break loose when the Musky Hunter school is up there again? Please keep us posted those who are fishing.

Mr Musky

Frank Walsh
07-07-2009, 11:17 PM
The big girls will fall when Rummy and Tim get here. Sure like to see a picture of him in that chair again.

s grabow
07-09-2009, 11:20 AM
Only one more hour of work for me and then on my way to paradise tomorrow morning. Hope the fish are ready for some dental work,and the woods are ready for some partying!!!!!

Tim Kelly
07-09-2009, 11:35 AM
Have fun fellas. I'll be thinking of you. Look forward to the reports, and hope you have another bumper year.

Mike Kanaval
07-09-2009, 04:54 PM
I saw Scottie pack his lip in a shoe box in his garage. Just tell him he won't need his raingear & wait for the reaction. I still laugh when I recall me saying; no need to go back & fetch the gear, 1 hr later it's a frikken hurricane on top of us & we're 10 miles away from camp..

Be sure to bring a wine cork just in case anyones boat decides to drink up that fine LOTW water like mine did. As Mr. Ward would say, I got lucky luck lucky!

Best of luck Flatlanders!

Will miss cooking up BACON for the party cabin at 4am.

07-12-2009, 09:21 PM
Gentlemen, here it is Sunday night and it's awful quiet at the Bay Store. :confused: What's Happening! Let's here from you, Lucky, Lucky, Lucky! :)