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View Full Version : Fishing Report 6-17-09

Justin Mullins
06-17-2009, 05:39 AM
The last 8 weeks I feel like I live in a rain forrest. I have never seen rain like we have had over this time frame. Seems everyday more and more.

With that said it has made for some pretty good fishing. Cloudy mornings and days have allowed for some good fishing. The lake is in great shape with the water being a little to clear.

The water temp is ranging from 74-77 depending on which end you are on. The fish seem to be on the weed edges strong right now. Don't rule out super shallow water we have moved and caught out of 2 feet of water on the inside weeds in last week. Right now if you know where weeds are fish them. Coves are producing and the main weeds.

Outside weed edges Medussa, EXO, Bulldawg seems to work better and then when you move inside Cowgirls, and Meat and Potatoe spinnerbaits seems to be producing well. Seems the water in the coves is a little darker than the main lake not much but a little.

There are some really big fish on those weed edges right now. I look for some dandy fish to come out in the next day or two. The next couple of weeks should be really good so take advantage of it.

We have some 1/2 day trips we are doing open. If you want to try get a big fish before the blazing hot weather gets here call us and we will get things set up for you. If you go fishing make sure you stop in.