View Full Version : Early bird tourny

06-16-2009, 05:41 PM
Who won the early bird tourny and how many boats were in it?

hook em and cook em
06-16-2009, 06:27 PM
I asked that sunday and nobody responded. My guess would be that the catch was low and the turnout wasnt very good. If there were a lot of fish caught it'd have made the paper by now.

06-16-2009, 10:40 PM
Bags were light,i fished hard all day and caught 8-10 walleye total,all under 15''.It was won by Anderson/Kositski with just over 16#s.Big fish was between 8-9#s Anderson/Cloutier.Quite a few zeros,myself included[fist time 0].Weird weather,think i counted four diff wind directions,nw,s,w,e.Rain,sun,clouds,and bluebird skies had me scraching my head all day.Think there were 25 boats entered,we can do away with trailering to launch since there were no ''smaller boats'' entered.Congrads to Milt/Loren on the win and Brian/Mark for bigfish pot,wish I showed up 15min earlier...lol..................................... .............................. sorry if i buchered any names

06-17-2009, 08:47 AM
Run the tourneys out of the Northshore launch and everyone is happy! Or should I say almost everyone! It is a shame to have the 2nd largest launch in Michigan and it sits empty most of the season. Of course this is just my opinion!

06-17-2009, 12:25 PM
I agree, let's use the Northshore launch, nice fish cleaning station there. Lots of taxpayer $$ spent on that project, hardly ever see more than half a dozen rigs parked there. Seemed like a strange place to spend millions of dollars on a launch when it's quite a ways from most of the good fishing spots. If you have a larger boat, fine, but for smaller boats they just have to travel too far to most of the popular fishing locations, I think that's why it gets such little use. It's much easier to launch at Gladstone or Kipling for the north end and then launch at Esky to fish south. The Pouliots tried to make a nice launch at the Terrace, but were denied dredging permits time after time...I guess that's state govt. at work. Say "no" to the private individual trying to spend their own money, but spend millions in taxpayer dollars. Is it just me, or did they go a little overboard on the Northshore launch?

06-17-2009, 12:40 PM
you guys should have tried half ounce dare devils in 18 inches of water!,

i nailed em all day sunday..

yeah right good luck to any walleye fisherman now till mid july...