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View Full Version : Split cost on June 23rd?

06-11-2009, 04:05 PM
After booking Kevin for 2 days already and now deciding to spend an extra week in Minnesota I am looking for someone to split the cost of The Great One, aka Kevin, with me on June 23rd.

We will be fishing wherever he thinks they are biting.

I am an easy going fella who drops the occasional f-bomb and has tons of lies to tell. Heck I'll even tell you about the magic raft on Plantan. Ahhh...what a day that was!

If you have been thinking about a guided trip but are on a budget this is an opportunity you can not pass up. Respond to this thread and we'll figure out the rest.


06-16-2009, 06:03 AM
Filled and now just counting down the days.