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View Full Version : June 11th Report

Rob Manthei
06-11-2009, 05:44 AM
Just a quick hitter before getting back on the water......


New weeds and/or open water adjacent to the news weeds is the key now. The past few days(and both evenings and mornings) have shown my boat some really nice fish. Yesterday we had a total of 4 fish on, however none made it to the net. Mostly "nipping" the bait, and not really hammering it...we did raise 2 fish over 48" including one that was a tiger(yes, HUGE!).

Nothing on blades, if it doesn't zig/zag or twitch, it seems muskies don't want anything to do with it. Medium plastics are working too. Magic Makers, Hellhounds, Shallow Invaders, Red October tubes, Live Action are working. A couple more days of warm up and these fish are going to pop.


Bite is awesome on the bigger lakes with redtails in new weeds...8 to 15' of either cabbage or coontail. I guess some guys are using leeches, but why switch if it ain't broke...


Larger lakes are bedding....some of the smaller lakes are finished and only males remain on the nest....take extra care with these fish...this is why we have such an awesome SMB fishery...

Lake temps are 57 to 61 depending on size and depth....look for a rise over the weekend.