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View Full Version : June 1st and 2nd report

Ty Sennett
06-03-2009, 09:53 AM
I had Fred and Paula out the last two days and we had a blast. the muskies definitely did not cooperate for us on the 1st but we had some moving yesterday. Paula had a really nice one up on a bucktail but it didn't commit. She also had two others follow yesterday. One made a big wake behind the bait but the bait hit a weed and it was over. Fred had one follow until he jumped out of his seat to see the fish and do a figure eight. The fish fled with it's tail between it legs. I don't think you could scare a fish more if you tried. Too funny. Fred also had one on for a second on a Stillwater and one other hit on a Stillwater. The one that hit we weren't sure if it was a muskie or pike. I think it was the same scrappy 34 incher I caught a week ago on the same nasty patch of weeds. hard to tell without seeing it though.

We walleye fished for about an hour last night and a little more two nights ago and boated some big walleyes. The biggest were three or four that were in the 20 inch range. One was about 22 or 23 inches. Fred caught a nice one last night. That one was on a Rapala. We kept some smaller ones for walleye tacos on Monday night. Even though the muskie fishing was slow, I had a great time and look forward to next year already. Thanks to Fred, Paula, Lee, and Jay for the great laughs and great food.