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View Full Version : Boating Safety

06-03-2009, 07:32 AM
I was out on Little Bay on Sunday morning doing some jig fishing for walleye. I caught an awful lot of fish with jig/crawler combo in 30 FOW, but all but 2 were "shorts" in the 10" to 14" range. I admitted defeat in the early afternoon and was heading back to the boat launch in the Escanaba River. I was almost back to the river mouth when I was hailed by the Coast guard in the rubber inflateable that they run up from Washington Island with. They tied up to me and did a very thorough safety check (45 minutes) and I was not in compliance with the whistle/horn device. This is a very good reminder to make sure that your boat is in good shape and do your own safety check each trip before you leave home.