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Medford Fisher
05-30-2009, 01:44 AM
Hey Gare and all the visitors,

Just wondering how you did on the opener and the past week for muskies if you've been out much Gare???

Our opener was really slow...planned on fishing the WMT on LVD, but after fishing for 3 days, I caught a 35" and we only had 2 upper-30's follow, we decided that we'd save our money for a different tourney. Fished several lakes since then, and the fishing was slow for the most part. Moved several fish on a clear-water lake in which all the fish were super shallow (just getting done spawning I would guess). The last two days have really seemed to kick-start the muskies. 8 follows (one low-40's and the rest 36-40") and one very small ski yesterday. Today: 3 follows and one lost at boatside. We probably could've had it in the net, but I opted to film instead of net as we're making a video this summer/fall. One of the follows was a mid-40" fish and another was one that was pushing 50. Spinnerbaits, bucktails, minnowbaits...lots of different baits working to move fish right now. Taking the weekend off to fix up some stuff on the boat, but we'll be back at it Sunday evening and all of next week.

Good luck out there everyone...catch a big one and most of all, have fun!
-Jake Bucki

Medford Fisher
06-05-2009, 09:16 AM
Hey Gare,

Thanks for the report...no worry about the delay. Do you have a helper hired for the summer or still looking for one? If you're still looking, let me know the details. I'm living in Rhinelander this summer so I'm always up in the area. My buddy and I are going to be filming a video throughout the summer and fall. Anytime you want to get out I'm more than game for it. For my guide day, I was thinking about having you take us out to North Nokomis; but I'm not sure on that yet.

As far as the opener...weird is the best word to describe it! We've had the same thing as you as far as seeing lots of fish shallow and nice fish at that; almost all upper 30's - mid 40's. We just went and sight-fished on a lake Wednesday in the sand and saw about 25 fish....caught 2 (upper 30's and lower 30's) and I lost a really nice mid-40 fish just out from the boat and had another fish about 40" take the bait but must not have gotten any hooks in it's mouth. Yesterday, it was a little too windy to see them in the shallows so we went out a castlength and I got a fish right around 40". We also moved several nice fish, with two taking short nips at baits, but no hookups. Weed growth on some lakes seems to be really good; whereas on others, it seems poor.

Had a question for you if you fish the 3 Lakes Chain much...We're fishing the WMT event this weekend to hopefully win some money to fund the summer (my dad and uncle have their own business and went together to sponsor one tournament for us). We've moved a lot of fish pre-fishing it, but have only come up with two shorties. Any suggestions for baits/colors to get 'em going? We've been moving them on a little bit of everything.

Thanks Gare...hope you have time to get out this weekend, Jake Bucki
