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View Full Version : 5/23-5/27 Report

Brett Erickson
05-29-2009, 01:38 PM
Ran up last weekend to fish for trout and learn some new water with Paul, Jake and Robin. Lakers were active and didn't matter if it was sunny and warm or raining and cold. They were ACTIVE! Had to hunt to mark them on the graph, but once you did they usually made a move on the bait. Vertical jigging 1/2oz Sonars were best but slab-style spoons also caught a couple. Caught some trolled on Slammer Trophy spoons as well with 8oz of lead 20' in front of them. We caught trout in 45' to 110' but around 85' seemed best and the fish were all over the water column.

Pike were a little 'off'. They weren't really in the bays. They were more out on the points leading into the bays. If these points had old dead reeds on them--so much the better. Caught a couple on X-Raps, spinnerbaits and Rat-L-Traps, but 1/2oz to 3/4oz bass jigs with a longer plastic trailer definitely outfished everything.

On Sat and Sun, it was flat calm and hot with bright blue skies. On Sabaskong, the crappies moved way back into the bays and into the old reed beds where the water was warmest. A couple people made the most of this and caught a lot of crappies--fast! We went from shorts on Sun to waterproof heavy winter gear on Mon and the fish moved out.

Water level is very high right now. Water is half way into the parking lot at the bottom of the hill at the resort. Some stable weather will bring the water down. The warm weather on Sat and Sun was nice, but hopefully it will stay away for a little while yet. Water temps are in the upper 40s right now. Muskie opener is in 3 weeks and timing could be very good this year!

Kind of a good/bad thing, but a new tower was put up on the big hill just north of the resort and we now have cell phone service over most of the lake and on parts of Sabaskong and Whitefish. Heading east down Crow I didn't have a problem, but in some areas up in Emm the service wasn't available. It is good so you can call your buddies and tell them how big a fish you just caught--or call back to the resort and tell them to make you a pizza!!!!!! It is bad as work or wife or whoever else you don't want to talk to can now get hold of you--if you are dumb enough to answer the phone!!!!
Brett Erickson

05-30-2009, 11:09 PM
"It is good so you can call your buddies and tell them how big a fish you just caught--or call back to the resort and tell them to make you a pizza!!!!!!"

Does Muskie Bay deliver to Gull Island?

Great report Brett, starting to get fired up. Any random photos taken on your trip?

Brett Erickson
05-31-2009, 10:40 PM
I'm sure if the tip is big enough, Paul or Jake will deliver a pizza anywhere on the lake!!! I am sure there WON'T be a 30 minutes or less type of guarantee.

No photos. I am horrible when it comes to that kind of thing. I did buy a cool little video camera ( it is a Flip Mino that easily fits in your shirt pocket and will shoot 2 hours of video, is very user friendly and just plugs into your USB port. Now I just need to figure out how to download it and post it on the internet! I did shoot a clip of Robin fighting a nice, big, blocky bodied 33" Lake Trout with Jake fumbling around trying to hand grab it! I'll try and get it up here within the next day or two.

You going to be up for muskie opener? Everything is lining up where I should be able to make it this year. Only three weeks away!!!!

Kevin Thomas
06-01-2009, 03:08 PM


06-02-2009, 01:20 AM
We'll be there Brett. I was joking about pizza delivery service.

Those photos make me a little nervous, our 'not the greatest' year fishing up there was the high water year, I beleive we tied our boats to the deck of one of the cabins. However I think the kicker was the water being real warm that year and the fish went out to sea. Come hell or high water I guess eh? Water temps are still sounding good/ on track of last year, and I don't see any 80s this week up that way to jump that up real fast. The crystal ball is still showing lots O Hungry Essox, and great memories for the opener.