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View Full Version : cc report 5-25

05-25-2009, 04:45 PM
Went out today and went straight to the 73 cove which is now the pay-lake In my opinion and fished there all day, and about a half an hour into the day we had a giant 47-48 inch muskie that felt like a 25lber hit my dad's (david wood) lure. The fish blasted it right on the figure eight and flung the lure out of its mouth which was really intense and dapressing...but soon after that I tied on a tuff shad that my dad thought was a dumb idea and like the first cast i hooked a 35 incher that hit on the figure eight, 2nd time around and it did not like being hooked!!

here it is, plus a 26 that my dad caught last suday...



Tom Dietz
05-26-2009, 09:23 PM
Congrats on the beautifully marked fish! Nothing like a Figure 8 strike!!!