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View Full Version : Waukegan 5-19 thru 5-21 - "It's not windy in the deep end"

Captain Rick Bentley
05-22-2009, 09:09 AM
On Tuesday we sailed with the winner and his crew of the Paws for Cause benefit and fished the shallow waters off Lake Forest. The action was decent with 17 fish on but we managed to catch only 7 of them. It was a beautiful day on the water anyway and while I filleted the fish at dockside, I witnessed the first experiment with Lake Michigan salmon sashimi and there were no objections!

Before embarking for Wednesday's trip and not totally satisfied with Tuesday's fishing, I consulted with the weather buoy readings in the middle of the lake and learned that the strong southwest wind that all of us felt on shore was indeed blowing at only half the velocity offshore. So based on last Sunday's impressive catch of 21 fish in deep water, we set lines at 130 feet of water and had steady action from there to 200 feet of water and caught 19 salmon in 3 hours.

Yesterday's climate proved to be the same as Wednesday's with another beautiful day on the lake, only a little chop, lots of sun, and another run to deep water. The fishing was mostly steady again and we caught 21 salmon and 1 lake trout in less than 4 hours in 200 feet of water.