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View Full Version : Update over the weekend

Justin Mullins
05-17-2009, 04:58 AM
To start with congrats to all the winners of the Trinity Trail yesterday. It was a great turn out with around 25 boats all together.

Way to go Gary Treadway on the big win. This guy really deserves this to put up with the physical problems he has everyday and to get out there and do this crazy sport. Great job!!!

A few fish caught trolling including the winner's fish. Several fish were seen and caught using bull dawgs over the flats. I never heard of a fish caught out of the brush yesterday but Friday customers Rick May/ Mike McDonald caught a 48 in the brush. So who knows you can't do wrong doing either one.

They have finally caught up to the lake thank goodness. Once this lake falls a little these fish will rock and roll. Right now there is a little to much water in the bushes.

Bull Dawgs, EXO's, Spinnerbaits seem to be the ticket. Good luck if you go out. Water clarity is perfect..