View Full Version : Gas Additive for 115hp Opti

05-08-2009, 10:55 AM
I am looking for suggestions as to what to add to my gas tank (24gallon), to treat any unwanted leftovers from the fall. I put in stabil last fall but am going to fire up this weekend and want to treat the gas in there??

I remember last fall of something like Seafoam?? Is that good to add in the spring??

steve l
05-08-2009, 11:22 AM
I would drain all fuel, add a can of Seafoam and gas up. Using a full can of Seafoam for 20 gallons or so. I use it with all my gas motors with good results

05-08-2009, 03:15 PM
I would drain all fuel, add a can of Seafoam and gas up. Using a full can of Seafoam for 20 gallons or so. I use it with all my gas motors with good results

Even better theirs a new marine stabil and ethenal treatment they have it @ walmart

05-09-2009, 10:58 AM
Need more info on what you did last fall.

How much gas is in there and did you stabilize?

Capt. Jim

05-09-2009, 06:56 PM
Read about a product call Star tron by Star Brite in Outdoor Life it is a fuel conditioner and stabilizer.Also deals with the ethanol alcohol problem in gas we get now their site has a page on what ethanol does to gas how it separates in your fuel tank and how it is a solvent and dissolves gum and varnish in your tank it also absorbs the water in your tank could get expensive if there is old fuel or your tank is older. They have a toll free phone number for info. 1-800-327-8583 Price was about the same as stabil 1 oz per 15 gal.

JJ Mac
05-10-2009, 11:20 PM
Since you stabilized last fall, your probably in pretty good shape. It's always best to run stabilizer in your last tank of gas in the fall as well to help work it through the entire fuel system. It's a lot better than just dumping stabilizer in the tank after you've got it stored away.

Mercury Quick Clean is a great product and is what is recommended for your engine. I first used quick clean when I got some bad gas (as verified by other boaters who had trouble as well). I added seafoam and ran it and still had trouble. I called a Merc tech and he said...fuel problem---quick clean. He uses it for many other makes of engines as well. I dumped a can in and my fuel issues were solved. I have been using Quick Clean now for three years, I add a little to every tank and it's doubled the life of my spark plugs and counting. Anyone who's changed and purchased plugs for an opti can appreciate this.

Check your plugs, replace your fuel filter can, drop in some quick clean, and that is your maintenance schedule for taking care of any "unwanted leftovers from fall."

Good luck on a trouble free season. With some of the proposed laws concerning fuel mixes in our future, fuel problems in boat engines may become even more common. It makes a little preventative maintenance all the more important.