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View Full Version : Ice out and early spring conditions

05-06-2009, 01:27 PM
Ice out was on Monday at 1:30 pm. Was pretty cool to watch, we had high winds that day and it only took a matter of a couple of hours to clear the bay of ice. There was concern for the docks but with the winds eating away at the ice it was pretty much crystals by the time it worked its wat to the docks and ultimately the east end of Witch Bay.

I have been out on the lake for 2 days now and the early season fishing is good. I have been looking for Crappies but have only been able to find Perch and some really nice Whitefish. I released a large on yesterday and kept a smaller one today to cook on the grill tonight. The perch have been big as well, we have thrown back a couple of large females and had a few smaller ones for supper yesterday.

Weather is great, we are expecting thunderstorms this evening and tomorrow, and snow on Friday....should be interesting.

Ill be back soon

Ed Petro
05-06-2009, 04:18 PM
Game on Wayne! Water levels look real good. Please keep us posted. Meanwhile, I'll keep pounding the local waters down here for the smallies which are starting to cooperate like they should at this stage of the season.