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View Full Version : Another muskie lake , in Illinois

Kevin McGill
04-29-2009, 08:20 PM
This subject matter could be a touchy one, and I will do my best to explain , hoping that you all will catch on. 34 lakes in Illinois are stocked with muskie,and the IMTT, does a great job searching for the best lakes to add to their trail. But , Maybe its time for the 35th lake. If the IMTT,donates funds to the IDNR,as well as the fisheries. Why not , move the Greenjean Project to another southern lake. ie] Lou Yeager-31 ft deep/1304 acres Glen Shoals-25 ft deep / 1085 acres. I do not know how long the greenjean Project will stay at lake Mingo, but if they are good size muskies, should they not move on to another challenge , and find another lake mid-way ,between Kinkaid and Shelbyville, of considerable size. Another lake in the mid-east part of the state , would be Forbes. There have been muskies stocked there as well,but that was10 years ago. Who controls the Greenjean Project, and will they take their studies elsewhere- Another Southern Illinois Lake..........
