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View Full Version : Caesar Creek Report 04/25/09

Tom Dietz
04-26-2009, 09:28 PM
Went out to the lake today with Ron DeVincenzi and his wife, Amy from Columbus and battled the tough wind and the so-so water clarity. I really enjoyed their company and they fished their tails off but the muskies did not want to cooperate for us! We did witness one 28" musky caught and released by a shore angler. Water temps we found were as high as 65 degrees in some areas, and things should start popping any time now. Heard George W. and Mason caught two nice ones over the weekend, congrats to both of them. I will not return to Caesars until late next week since we are headed to the Fox Lake Chain in Chicago, so good luck to all of you this coming week!

George W
04-27-2009, 09:23 PM
All I have are stories of the one that got away :(. Mike and I manged to see several fish Saturday and botched up a few opportunities where the fish actually took the bait.

However, Sunday I got out with my buddy Dave who is just getting into the muskie game. I wasn't able to produce, but Dave saved us from a skunking by boating his first muskie. The fish came out of nowhere and inhaled Daves glide bait (custom painted of course) right at boatside. She measured 42.5", not bad for a first muskie. After several so-so outings Dave & I have had out on Caesars, it made my day to see him finally get one.

It seemed like the fish were pretty active for us early in the morning around sunrise / moon rise with all action tapering off by late morning.

04-28-2009, 07:47 AM
I’m sure I’m not the first person to provide a letter of recommendation for Tom’s services, but for those of you who are still hesitating on utilizing Tom’s Muskie guide service let me (and my wife) be the folks who set you straight. It worth every dime!!!! Some of you may feel it’s all about “catching” the prize. In my book it’s not all about catching the fish. It’s about the WHOLE experience. Catching a Muskie was our objective, but taping into Tom’s vast experience was also on the agenda. From the first moment on the water Tom demonstrated why he is the premier Muskie guide in Ohio. His level of personal attention is commendable. He did what I have tried to do for months (teach my wife to cast a bait caster) in 10 minutes. That aside, we also received his most prize asset….. Muskie knowledge and what Tom calls the “positive Muskie attitude”. Tom put us in the right spots and with the right gear to catch fish. So we didn't catch a fish... There is always next time. I don't know about you, but that's what I live for, the next opportunity to fish.

Mission accomplished Tom!!! My wife is tuned in to your Muskie tactics and can’t wait to use her new rod and reel. To have my wife excited about fishing for Muskie is well worth the $$$. I intended to use Tom services on a regular basis….. Thanks Tom!!

04-29-2009, 02:04 PM
I see you fish Ceasars alot, is there anyway you could tell me where to start tracking down the crappie on that lake....I am coming out in two weeks to visit relatives and I am hauling my boat. I appreciate any help you can give me.


04-30-2009, 10:19 AM
Hello there TB if you are going out for crappies you are in luck there are some really nice ones this year. I have been fishing for crappies early this spring and the last couple of weeks. If you put in at the Wellman ramp and go straight accross to the coves around the Boat Camp area. They have been around the big brush piles back in the coves and also on the standing timber anywhere from 8 to 10 ft. and sometimes they will move up and be around 4 ft. deep. We have been catching some nice 14'' slabs and they were caught on just minnows and a gold hook.Good luck and hope you and the family have some fun.

05-01-2009, 12:49 PM
Thanks for the tip, I wonder if they are still gonna be around that area in a couple of weeks?? Well it will be a great place to start.
Thanks again-TB

05-01-2009, 01:10 PM
Well fish do move so there is no telling where they will be in 2 weeks but I would try that for sure and I would also try the standing timbers even the timber thats in 30 Ft. of water. Good luck.

Tom Dietz
05-01-2009, 04:04 PM
Great tips, Jason! I would agree with all of his suggestions, and I also suggest tying up to the pump house structure north of the 73 bridge, as I watched a few guys catch some really nice ones this past week fishing vertically to catch these fish suspended next to this primary structure. The only thing I don't know is how deep their fish were, so experiment a bit with your depths until you strike pay dirt. Good luck!