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View Full Version : Awesome fish strike story

04-25-2009, 07:23 AM
Yesterday on the river I had a follow of a real nice fish, chucked back with the same bait and nothing.
Had another rod set-up with a Manta so threw it, I see the fish following, same lazy deep follow as the first time so I figure that will be it and it will turn and leave as before.
I go into a figure 8 and I couldn't see where the fish went to so I'm bend over figure 8 the lure looking to see which way the fish went I was figuring it heading back up river to where it followed from again.

I catch a flash out of the corner of my eye and it come out from underneth the boat like a freaking rocket and slams the lure!! Probably my third figure 8 by then. Awesome strike and nice fish at 45"

Surprised the heck outta me! I would of never figured the fish to bite by reading it from the lazy type deep follows. Keep them 8's going!!
Still can't believe I hooked it, it caught me off guard so bad.

Lucky for me a guy was right on the bank and I had him take a nice picture for me as I was alone.
That was my largest figure 8 fish so far...............FUN!!!

Also got a 28" walleye bonus on a muskie lure. Good day on the water.

04-25-2009, 09:36 AM
that's a great story! Congratulations on the 45 incher. Heart had to be pounding the whole time I'd imagine.

BTW your magic lure retriever saved me $60 last weekend when we couldn't find the fish anywhere and had to get down and deep into the stumps. Went 3-for-3 on lure saves. Love that thing!

allegheny river kid
04-25-2009, 01:07 PM
Congrats on the nice fish!!! Nothings better than making them eat at your feet!!!!

Red Childress
04-25-2009, 06:56 PM

I got your message yesterday......we made it down that far today with no luck and 25-30 sustained winds to boot. The wind was so strong that it blew us upriver. My boat weighs 2200 pounds with nothing in it!! We had 2 foot white-capping waves blowing up the dang river............the canoers had their tongues hanging out by lunchtime today.

The last cast of the day, we rose a small fish.

Your retriever saved us 2x today. If it were not for the extra weight you put on mine, we would have never been able to get them loose.