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View Full Version : Ice almost gone

The Tiny Fisherman
04-20-2009, 08:11 AM
As you can see in the pictures taken yesterday (04/19/09) in the background that there is still lots of ice. I would say that the ice is about half gone.

This morning there was about two inches of snow on the ground and the ice refroze over.

In the picture where Fluffy is helping Mother Nature move the ice out. The big blue rock in under water at normal water level.

Your going to get your feet wet,

The Tiny Fisherman
04-21-2009, 06:48 AM
With last night's strong north winds, it pushed all the ice out. The ice is piled up on the west shoreline. Now all we need is some decent weather, still snowing. This weekend is calling for some warm temp and rain.

Have a great day,

St Croix Kid
04-21-2009, 08:21 AM
85 degrees is the forecast for Hudson Wi on Thursday. the lilacs are starting to sprout already! quite a change from the April/May we had last year.

04-21-2009, 06:05 PM
Tiny,that's great news on the iceout.Almost time to hit the soft water.Can't wait for opener.WHERE'S MY CORK!!!!:D